
Grid Strategies' The Era of Flat Power Demand is Over
DOE’s National Transmission Needs Study
Audubon’s Bird and Transmission: Building the Grid Birds Need
Troutman Pepper’s Unlocking U.S. Transmission Upgrades – Are We on The Cusp of Real Progress?
Grid Strategies' The Value of Transmission During Winter Storm Elliott
Berkeley Lab’s Empirical Estimates of Transmission Value Using Locational Marginal Prices
Brattle’s U.S. Offshore Wind Transmission: Holistic Planning and Challenges
SAFE’s Grid in Peril
Brattle’s Transmission Investment Needs and Challenges
Grid Strategies' Transmission Congestion Costs in the U.S. RTOs
Evergreen’s Warp Speed Clean Energy: Expediting Permitting and Equitable Grid Deployment without Congress
SREA's Gridlocked: Planning Failure with the Southeastern Regional Transmission Planning Process
Brattle’s Operational and Market Benefits of HVDC Transmission to System Operators
