Rural renaissance: How investments in transmission modernization can drive rural economic development

How can we create more jobs in Rural America? That question is at the heart of an April 7 Agri-Pulse Communications, Inc. webinar, “Rural renaissance: How investments in transmission modernization can drive rural economic development.” This complimentary one-hour program addresses how expanding, integrating, and modernizing the North American high-voltage grid can drive rural economic development, […]

Transmission Time: Cost-Conscious Transmission and FERC Transmission Policy

Virtual Webinar

On Thursday, May 12th, Americans for a Clean Energy Grid (ACEG) held a webinar featuring consumer advocates, public power, and large energy buyers on the need for well-planned cost-conscious transmission. Speakers discussed transmission policy, including FERC’s proposed rule addressing transmission planning and cost allocation, and FERC's announcement of a conference on cost discipline in the […]

Planning for the Future: Diverse Perspectives on the FERC’s Proposed Planning Rule

On Thursday, August 18 at 12 p.m. ET, ACEG hosted a public briefing to discuss comments submitted in response to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's notice of proposed rulemaking (NOPR), seeking to reform its regional transmission planning and cost allocation policies. ACEG brought together a diverse set of speakers — representing transmission developers, clean energy generators, large […]

Transmission Time: Transmission Funding Opportunities

On Wednesday, September 21, ACEG hosted a Transmission Time webinar exploring funding opportunities for transmission projects. Recent federal legislation, including the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), established several new revenue streams to support the needed build out of transmission. Panelists from the Department of Energy’s Grid Deployment and […]

Transmission Time: Innovative Partnerships for Accelerating Transmission Buildout

On Thursday, September 29, Americans for a Clean Energy Grid hosted a Transmission Time webinar on innovative partnerships for developing transmission infrastructure.  Speakers discussed examples of joint ownership models that have been a win-win-win as they benefit Tribal nations and local communities, ease the siting and permitting process for developers, and help facilitate transmission build […]

Transmission Time: Success in the West

On Thursday, October 27, Americans for a Clean Energy Grid hosted a Transmission Time webinar on transmission expansion in the West.  The panel highlighted benefits that new transmission lines have brought to the region, including economic benefits, jobs, and access to clean energy. Our speakers also explored the challenges they encountered advancing long-range transmission projects […]

Transmission Time: Reliable Supply Chains and Grid Security

On Wednesday, January 11, ACEG hosted a webinar exploring the supply chains the support of the U.S. electric grid. Our panelists discussed ongoing challenges in the supply chains for grid components — including semiconductors — and the importance of mitigating cyber security risks in the supply chain process. We also dove into recent legislative advances, […]

Transmission Time: Recommended Siting Practices for Electric Transmission Developers

On Wednesday, February 22, ACEG hosted a webinar exploring its latest report on recommended siting practices for transmission developers as they engage with the landowners, local communities, and tribes impacted by a project. The transmission siting process can be fraught, but developers that undertake meaningful, respectful, and consistent engagement can build trust in communities and improve […]

ACORE Policy Forum 2023

The ACORE Policy Forum returns on March 9, 2023, to unite senior leaders from across government and the renewable energy industry in Washington, D.C., and ACEG is pleased to be a supporting partner. Join important discussions around ensuring the success of the Inflation Reduction Act, building the clean energy workforce of tomorrow, and addressing what is […]

Transmission Time: How Transmission Keeps the Lights On

On Wednesday, March 22, ACEG hosted a webinar on the vital role transmission plays in preserving grid reliability. Nearly all aspects of modern life depend on reliable electricity. But the U.S. has fallen far behind when it comes to building a grid capable of supporting our current and future needs. As extreme weather events — […]

Can Congress Fix the Grid? Legislative Proposals to Support Transmission Buildout

On Tuesday, April 25, ACEG hosted a webinar to unveil its legislative policy priorities and broadly explore Congressional action that can support essential grid expansion.  The U.S. urgently needs to step up the pace of transmission development to improve electric reliability, enhance American energy security, connect clean energy resources to the grid, and reduce household […]

Transmission Time: Environmental Justice & Electric Transmission

On Wednesday, May 31, Americans for a Clean Energy Grid (ACEG) and the State Energy & Environmental Impact Center for a webinar on environmental justice considerations in transmission development. Historically, the U.S. has constructed infrastructure in a manner that disproportionately harms low-income communities and people of color. Now the country urgently needs to expand its […]