Bruce Walker, Assistant Secretary of Energy for the Office of Electricity, delivered a report representing the United States Department of Energy’s response to the House Report (H. Rep. 115-697) and Conference Report (H. Rep. 115-929) accompanying the Energy and Water, Legislative Branch, and Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act, 2019 (P.L. 115-244). The Conference Report requested the Department to report on the potential of dynamic line rating systems to address congestion management and improve grid reliability and resiliency. The House Report requested that the report contain an analysis of the technologies needed to support dynamic line rating and any generation technologies that may benefit or be disadvantaged by implementing a dynamic line rating scheme.
In this report to Congress, the Department: (1) introduces dynamic line rating and describes its potential to address congestion management and improve grid reliability and resiliency; (2) analyzes technologies needed to implement dynamic line rating along with associated barriers and limitations; and (3) examines stakeholder views and impacts of implementing dynamic line rating schemes, including effects on different generation technologies.
Download a PDF of the full report
FERC also released a staff paper: Managing Transmission Line Ratings
04 Sep