Washington D.C. – On October 28, 2020, Americans for a Clean Energy Grid (ACEG) will release their new report “Consumer, Employment, and Environmental Benefits of Electricity Transmission Expansion in the Eastern United States” which finds that expanding and modernizing the transmission grid in the region will access low-cost, remote renewable energy and create millions of jobs, lower electricity bills, and deliver large reductions in carbon and other air pollutants.
“Just as the Eisenhower interstate highway system unleashed U.S. manufacturing in the 20th Century, a strong macro grid will deliver massive economic and public health benefits for all Americans in the 21st Century,” said Rob Gramlich, Executive Director of ACEG. “Removing policy roadblocks to building the macro grid would yield up to $7.8 trillion in private infrastructure investment, create over 6 million jobs, save consumers over $100 billion, and cut carbon pollution from electricity more than 80 percent. The macro grid is a win for American workers, consumers, and public health.”
Read the full press release for the report here.
Download the full report here.
22 Oct