(Tuesday, February 15, 2022) A new report revisits the causes and consequences of the grid failure during last year’s unprecedented catastrophe in Texas.
“While there were many separate reasons why millions lost power for days on end, it is clear that more interregional transmission could help prevent a similar disaster in the future. Uri also hit other states across the central U.S. hard. But unlike the main Texas grid, ERCOT, the Southwest Power Pool and Midcontinent Independent System Operator were able to import large amounts of power from their neighbors to avoid the worst of the outcomes experienced in Texas. Texas serves as an example of the consequences of not having sufficient interregional electricity transmission. As extreme weather events become more severe and frequent, all regions are increasingly at risk of an extended outage like Texas experienced.” — Rob Gramlich, ACEG Executive Director
Read the full report here.
About Americans for a Clean Energy Grid:
Americans for a Clean Energy Grid (ACEG) is the leading non-profit, broad-based public interest advocacy coalition focused on the need to expand, integrate, and modernize the North American high-voltage grid. ACEG brings together the diverse support for an expanded and modernized grid from business, labor, consumer and environmental groups, and other transmission supporters to support policy which recognizes the benefits of a robust transmission grid. For more information, please visit cleanenergygrid.org
Media Contact:
Sabreen Ahmed, Communications Associate