(Washington, D.C.) On August 26, ACEG filed comments on FERC’s Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements for Extreme Weather NOPR (Docket No. RM22-10). ACEG supports FERC’s proposal to direct the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) to develop a standard pertaining to transmission system planning for extreme heat and cold weather events that impact the reliable operations of the Bulk-Power System.
Extreme weather has devastating consequences for the American public and economy, but well-planned and robust transmission infrastructure can help mitigate such impacts. NERC’s recent 2022 State of Reliability Report recognizes that “the impact of wide-area and long-duration extreme weather events . . . underscore the need to consider extreme scenarios in resource adequacy and energy sufficiency planning.”
In its comments, ACEG supports FERC’s efforts to close the reliability gap that exists to due this lack of long-term planning requirements for extreme weather and provides suggestions to make the rule more effective. For example, ACEG supports directing all responsible entities to include benchmark cases based on past weather events or future projections but encourages the Commission to add more specificity so that cases are benchmarked consistently across regions experiencing the same extreme weather.
Our full NOPR comments can be found here.