Monday, January 20 (Washington, D.C.) — Today, President Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States. Americans for a Clean Energy Grid (ACEG) Executive Director Christina Hayes released the following statement:
“Americans for a Clean Energy Grid looks forward to working with President Donald Trump and his administration as they embark on his second term in office. Much has changed since his last term, with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and a domestic manufacturing boom sending energy demand skyrocketing after decades of level use. Despite these changing energy dynamics, a modern electric grid remains the cornerstone of our nation’s economy, security, and global competitiveness.
“As we look to the future, a critical component of maintaining American energy dominance is addressing the rapidly growing demand for reliable and affordable power. To remain competitive and win the AI race with China, we will need all the energy we can generate while expanding our ability to transmit those electrons wherever they need to go. Simply put: More transmission is an essential component of energy dominance.
“ACEG stands prepared to work with the new administration and Congress on policies to modernize our electric grid and ensure the reliable delivery of low-cost energy to power our nation’s economic growth.”