WASHINGTON, D.C. (December 11, 2018)—Americans for a Clean Energy Grid (ACEG), a broad coalition of interests that recognize the need for an efficiently expanded, integrated, and modernized high-voltage electric transmission grid as a prerequisite to an affordable and reliable clean energy economy, has elected its officers for 2019:
- President, Nina Plaushin, ITC Holdings Corp.
- Vice President, Jennifer Chen, Nicholas Institute, Duke University
- Treasurer, Patrick Hughes, National Electrical Manufacturers Association
- Secretary, Anne Vogel, American Electric Power
From left to right: Nina Plaushin, Jennifer Chen, Patrick Hughes, Anne Vogel
Read more about the full board of directors.
The newly elected officers are representative of the highly diverse nature of ACEG’s growing coalition, which plans to increase participation from additional stakeholder groups and outreach to the public, opinion leaders, policymakers and regulators over the coming year.
“I look forward to working with this diverse coalition of interests to advance our collective vision of a lower-cost, more reliable, and cleaner electricity grid that will play a critical role in powering America’s energy future,” said Nina Plaushin, President-Elect.
Current President Bill White of CTC Global, added, “I’m thrilled to hand over leadership to Nina Plaushin. ACEG has accomplished a great deal in 2018, especially a renewed public discussion about how transmission can deliver carbon solutions which many are seeking while also lowering electricity prices.”
The coalition has enthusiastically cited the ground-breaking Interconnections Seam Study by the Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory since its completion in July. In 2019, ACEG will continue to call attention to the study’s findings that integrating the grid on a nationwide basis offers huge benefits relative to its costs. We look forward to the formal release of the study by the Department of Energy.
No infrastructure investment is more critical to a modern economy than investment in electric grid infrastructure, on which virtually all other societal infrastructure depends. ACEG will seek to ensure that any policy movement to revitalize infrastructure will include provisions supporting the modernization and accessibility of an enhanced bulk power system.
The coalition also looks forward to working with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as it pursues its statutory responsibility of assuring that the interstate transmission of electricity and markets for wholesale power serve the national public interest, recognizing and quantifying to the extent possible the various benefits of the grid to all Americans. This includes fostering the opportunities to employ advanced technologies to optimize the grid while supporting needed investments in a more regionally and nationally integrated system, all in collaboration with state and local stakeholders.
Americans for a Clean Energy Grid is a diverse coalition of business and environmental leaders supporting efforts to efficiently expand, integrate and modernize America’s high-voltage transmission system.